

James Nelson is a lyrical, abstract painter, a “found object” steel sculptor and a graphic artist.

The Kiss Off

Lyrical Abstract Painter

Each new series begins by drawing abstract forms on a large canvas, which is later cropped into smaller paintings. After building up layers of acrylic paint that progress from muted to brighter colors, the original forms are redefined by spraying with a transparent pigment. 
View the paintings.

Graphic Artist

James’s interest in revisiting the creation of multi-media light paintings led to his work in graphic design. This led to his completing an intensive graphic arts certification program at the New School. He produces cards, posters, logos, flyers and multi-media.
View the graphic design work.

Peaceful Nuclear Explosions

Found Object Steel Sculptor

James’s sculptures, primarily made of steel, are amalgamations of objects found objects and scrap. Plasma arc cutting, welding and a considerable amount of grinding and filing are all part of the transformation process.
View the sculptures.